Among those with a history of addiction, the holiday season comes with highs and lows — and each experience is unique. For some, Christmas is a time of warmth and love. For others, it’s a tough time, especially for those without family. If you have an ongoing history of addiction, you may be alone on Christmas. Family members may have found it too painful to watch you use, or past behavior has pushed loved ones away. 

Regardless of your situation, the holiday season is a good time to give you and your loved ones the greatest gift — the realization that you will receive treatment. The idea of you living a sober, healthy life could be the most magical gift you give this season. Here is why Christmas and addiction recovery go hand-in-hand. 

Mending Fences is a comprehensive substance abuse and mental health treatment clinic ready to help you achieve a fulfilling life. Learn more about the available treatment options to address your needs surrounding Christmas and addiction recovery. 

The Link Between Addiction and the Holidays 

Some people view Christmas as a painful reminder that they have lost a loved one or that they no longer see their loved ones. You may have also experienced trauma. Others see loved ones, which exposes them to increased alcohol and social pressures. These environments present challenges among those trying to quit drinking or using drugs — especially when people within the environment are using. Alcohol use is a prime example, as consumption tends to spike during holidays. People are off work, seeing friends, and celebrating the festive season. 

For those who do not struggle with alcoholism, this can be a cheerful time. However, it can also create red flags among those who have lost control over their drinking patterns. For example, since there is an increase in events related to alcohol and substance use, adverse consequences can follow. Whether it be a fight, fall, or car crash while under the influence, this may be when you realize you need help. Sadly, the holiday season also sees a spike in drunk-driving deaths.

The holidays can be a lonely time of year for many. Individuals with a long history of addiction may find Christmas hard because of past behavior and the memories that come with that. These memories can increase feelings of loneliness, and for those with underlying mental health conditions, the impact is that much more significant. For example, seasonal affective disorder is a form of depression that affects around 10 million Americans. Dark, cold days indoors can fuel substance use.

So, now is as good of a time as any to take a life-changing step toward sobriety and positive mental health. Christmas and addiction recovery can change your life this year and beyond. 

A Fresh Year and Beginning

The best time to get treatment is as soon as you’re willing. This urgency is particularly important concerning substances that cause high rates of overdose deaths. In 2020, nearly 92,000 persons in the U.S. died from a drug-involved overdose, many of which involved prescription opioids. 

For those who have put off treatment for too long and want to regain control of their lives, the holidays are a great time to take that next step. It’s a time of hope, love, and joy. If you have a support system, this can also be an excellent gift to loved ones. Your willingness to seek the treatment you need may be all your mom, wife, husband, or child want for Christmas. It can be a new start for everyone. That is a powerful gift to give and receive. 

The key is entering a program that provides the tools, therapy, and resources needed to stay on track. When it comes to Christmas and addiction recovery, many people participate in Dry January, which is great. However, suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction is more than that. There are often underlying issues that initially drive people to drink excessively, which can be discussed in therapy. Years of drinking can contribute to even more trauma, so it is a complex disorder that requires expert support.

It’s Time to Ensure a Safe Future

There are also concerns surrounding withdrawal symptoms. For example, if your body is dependent on alcohol, you can experience fatal side effects. To ensure a safe and comfortable detoxification process, you should seek the assistance of a professional clinical team

When taking this next step, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. By having the courage to seek help, you can become one of the success stories. Sadly, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 14.4 million American adults have an alcohol use disorder (AUD) — and an estimated 95,000 people die from alcohol-related causes annually. 

Ready to learn more about the admissions process and how Mending Fences can help? Contact our dedicated team to discover more. 

You’ve Decided It’s Time to Seek Help – Now What?

Deciding it’s time to enter treatment is a brave realization. Change is tough, especially when addiction is involved. 

Today, evidence-based treatment facilities treat addiction as a disease, focusing on holistic strategies. It is no longer enough to complete a detox program and hope the urges to drink or use disappear. It’s also crucial to understand that no two people experience the same journey. What works for one individual will not be ideal for the next. For this reason, you must prioritize programs that offer individualized treatment. 

Although this can be an overwhelming process, know that a treatment facility like Mending Fences will help you every step of the way. When you first seek help, a substance abuse evaluation will take place. This step helps your treatment team better understand your history so that you gain access to the level of treatment you require. For example, if you are struggling with addiction and PTSD, your treatment plan will reflect your unique needs and goals. 

Once you have made that initial contact and the wheels are in motion, your care team will help you navigate life during and after treatment. It’s a step-by-step process that should be celebrated along the way. You will achieve many milestones, just as you may experience setbacks. These ups and downs are part of the healing process. When you have a support team by your side, they will help you navigate this process, ensuring your treatment plan adapts to meet your evolving needs. 

Now is the time to seek help. Christmas and addiction recovery may not be something you thought were so closely linked. However, following a successful treatment program, you’ll see how rewarding and life-changing this experience can be. 

Christmas and Addiction Recovery – Mending Fences Is Here 

Whether you have a large family in your corner or are feeling alone, Mending Fences can help you get back to a life full of hope and happiness. Being a slave to addiction is something you can address today — and what better time than the holidays? Give yourself the gift of freedom. 

At Mending Fences, we offer a wide spectrum of treatment options to create tailored plans for each individual we meet. Here, you’re not a number — you’re a unique person with individualized needs. We offer evidence-based treatment options, from cognitive-behavioral therapy to art or equine therapy. We also offer varying programs, including residential and partial hospitalization programs, so you can access the level of help that makes sense based on your current commitments and goals. 

Our stunning facility is located on 400+ acres in northern Florida, making it the perfect location to reset. Learn more about our facility and how we can help you today! Call us at (888) 995-6013 and make this Christmas one to remember. 
