Founded on compassion, care, and comprehensive recovery principles, Transformations Mending Fences (TMF) is an accredited addiction treatment, substance abuse, mental health, and dual diagnosis Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) facility based in the heart of Florida.

Our mission is simple: to deliver an exceptional spectrum of tailor-made treatments that address the individual needs of our clients across Ocala, Gainesville, Orlando, Jacksonville, Tampa, Tallahassee, Melbourne, Middleburg, and throughout Central Florida.

Join us on the path to recovery. Choose TMF, the leading Music Therapy Addiction Treatment team in Florida. Contact us today at (888) 995-6013, and let us help you reframe your narrative, one note at a time. Your healing journey starts here with the transformative rhythm of recovery.

If you or a loved one need help now please call (888) 995-6013 or click here to have us run a no-cost confidential verification of your benefits so you can get started with treatment today.

We accept the following insurance providers.

music therapists with a vibrant group creating music as part of healthy coping skills at TMF

Music Therapy for Addiction Treatment: Harnessing the Healing Rhythms

At TMF, we believe in the transformative power of music. When expertly woven into addiction treatment, music therapy emerges as a powerful modality, resonating with clients on a profound, personal level. Here are five remarkable benefits of music therapy:

  1. Improved Emotional Expression: Music therapy allows individuals to express emotions, often challenging to articulate, fostering greater self-awareness and emotional understanding.
  2. Enhanced Stress Management: The soothing nature of music reduces stress and anxiety, promoting relaxation and better mental health.
  3. Stimulated Cognitive Functions: Engaging with music stimulates cognitive functions, enhancing memory, attention, and decision-making skills.
  4. Strengthened Social Skills: Group music therapy sessions encourage interaction, enhance communication skills, and foster social connections.
  5. Boosted Self-esteem and Confidence: Achieving goals in music therapy bolsters self-esteem and confidence, which are critical for long-term recovery.

The SoundPath Recovery program logo for music therapy services & music interventions

SoundPath Recovery: A Revolutionary Blend of Therapy and Music

Our mission is to help people create a healthy future through the healing arts.

TMF is proud to offer our unique program, SoundPath Recovery. This trailblazing approach combines the potency of music with medication-assisted treatment, dialectical behavioral therapy, and other individualized therapies. Our clients in Jacksonville, Tampa, and beyond embark on a healing musical journey complemented by evidence-based treatments. This innovative blend of therapy and music helps our clients to reclaim their lives, fostering a meaningful and sustainable recovery.

Through the SoundPath program, we encourage clients to discover their passions. Through creativity and music, we help our clients realize that they can have fun and enjoy a sober life. The SoundPath Recovery program is open to all substance abuse and mental health clients, regardless of their musical abilities.

Helping Veterans & First Responders: A Therapeutic Relationship of Music & PTSD

This is especially true for our veterans and first responders struggling with PTSD, military sexual trauma and everyday challenges. Responders nationwide manage to deal with these traumatic experiences but it takes a toll on their mental health.

Our treatment team believes everyone can get something amazing from this experiential therapy.

Music Therapy Interventions with a World-Class Recording Studio

The SoundPath studio at Transformations Mending Fences in Florida was designed with high-quality instruments and equipment. From our microphones to the sound-balancing effect of our walls, we’ve put a lot into our studio so our clients can get a lot out of it. The SoundPath studio in our treatment center is more than the gear, more than the walls – it’s another stop on the path to recovery.

A music therapist at TMF provides clinical training to a client to improve cognitive skills from Drug Abuse

Why is Music Therapy An Effective Treatment?

Music therapy is not just an adjunct therapy but a vital component of a holistic addiction treatment approach. The universal language of music reaches places words sometimes can’t, touching the core of human emotions. This, coupled with its non-threatening, engaging nature, makes music therapy an effective treatment option. Whether in Orlando, Gainesville or Melbourne, our clients find solace in the harmonies, rhythms, and melodies, facilitating their journey to recovery.

Choose Transformations Mending Fences: Your Partner in Recovery

At Transformations Mending Fences, we’re not just an addiction treatment center but a compassionate team committed to your healing and transformation. Based in Central Florida and serving clients from Tallahassee to Middleburg, we leverage the transformative power of music therapy to offer personalized treatment plans. You are not alone if you or a loved one is battling addiction.

See What SoundPath Recovery Has Done for Our Clients

Many therapies can effectively treat mental health and drug and alcohol addiction. Experiential therapy, a category of therapies that involve participation in structured activities, can be particularly effective in helping clients verbalize their emotions and uncover subconscious obstacles while exploring their passions and improving self-esteem. One of the experiential therapies offered at Transformations Mending Fences is SoundPath Recovery, our music therapy program.

To hear some of the songs our clients have written and performed, click here.

Music Therapy at TMF: Paving the Way for Innovative Recovery

At Transformations Mending Fences, we’re pioneers in integrating music therapy into a comprehensive substance abuse and mental health treatment plan. We understand that addiction is a complex issue affecting various facets of an individual’s life. Our music therapy program in the heart of Florida resonates with the individual, filling the gaps that traditional therapy may not reach.

The SoundPath Recovery Experience

Our SoundPath Recovery program is a beacon of hope for clients in Ocala, Jacksonville, Orlando, and Central Florida. The program offers a unique blend of traditional and innovative therapies that synergistically empower our clients in their recovery journey.

  1. Medication-Assisted Treatment: This combines approved medications with counseling and behavioral therapies to treat substance use disorders effectively.
  2. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT): DBT helps clients gain insight and skills to manage their feelings, reduce conflict in relationships, and achieve mindfulness.
  3. Music Therapy: Coupled with the above, the healing power of music encourages clients to explore and express their emotions freely.

These components together form a holistic approach, aiding recovery and improving overall mental health.

Ready to embark on a life-changing journey with Florida’s leading Music Therapy Addiction Treatment team? Let’s make music the soundtrack to your recovery. Call us today (888) 995-6013 and discover how we can tailor our therapeutic solutions to your needs. Together, we can strike the chords of change and craft a symphony of transformation. Your recovery starts here, in harmony with your true self.