If you or someone you love is looking for a rehab that accepts Cigna mental health insurance, contact us today at 888-995-6013 to have our team run a confidential, no-cost verification of your benefits, or by CLICKING HERE to complete our insurance form.

Mental illness can be a deep challenge. Sadly, it’s a problem on the rise. Over one in five Americans currently have a mental illness, and nearly half will experience one over the course of their lifetimes.[1] This is a painfully high number that belies a fundamental truth: People need help.

At Transformations Treatment Center, we understand the demand for high-quality treatment that allows people with mental illnesses to recover. That’s why we proudly work with many insurance companies, including Cigna, in the South Florida area. If you have Cigna mental health rehab insurance, we can help you get the help you need.

Four friends stand with their backs to the camera, their arms around each other's shoulders and waists, staring at a beautiful sunset that is cresting over a hilly background, representing cigna mental health rehab coverage accepted at Transformations Mending Fences making treatment accessible

Cigna Mental Health Benefits

Cigna is a large insurance company with more than 178,000,000 customer relationships. This breadth of connections means that Cigna covers an array of individuals through various plans. These plans cover individuals through the individual market, employer plans, and government-funded insurance. In that capacity, Cigna can provide individuals with a robust network of mental health insurance.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to mental health treatment, and different Cigna plans offer different levels of coverage. To determine the specific benefits you have access to, you must verify your Cigna insurance coverage. 

You can do this by visiting our insurance verification page or calling 1-888-995-6013. Verifying your insurance will confirm that there have been no last-second changes to your policy and that you or a loved one can immediately start your journey towards recovery.

Verify Your Cigna Mental Health Rehab Insurance

At Transformations Treatment Center, we work to make insurance verification as easy as possible, and we have the staff and technology on hand to ensure that this process is simple.

There are three ways to verify your plans:

  1. Use our verification website and provide your name, phone number, and email address. Once you submit the form, a team member from Transformations Treatment Center will reach out to get any additional information and begin the formal verification process.
  2. Call us at 1-888-995-6013. You will connect with a live operator who can take down any information needed to start the verification process.
  3. Contact Cigna directly using the contact information on the back of your card. The company can provide additional information and work directly with Transformations Treatment Center to verify your insurance.

If your Cigna mental health rehab benefits are provided through work, you may need to speak with your benefits coordinator or HR department about accessing these benefits or obtaining the necessary data to begin treatment and verify your insurance coverage.

Verification is about more than just confirming your insurance. It can also provide information about what your policy covers, your financial responsibilities, how much you can expect to pay out of pocket, and any coverage limitations that may exist. However, more than just smoothing bureaucratic paperwork, insurance verification will give you a chance to discuss your challenges with an insurance agent or Transformations staff member, who may be able to point you to additional services or products you can access. This process can also help you coordinate your benefits and ensure that your entire medical team is on the same page.

Finally, verification is necessary for creating your recovery plan, as it enables the medical team at Transformations Treatment Center to quickly get you the help you need and coordinate your benefits in a way that respects your insurance plan and financial resources.

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Services Your Cigna Mental Health Rehab May Cover

Mental illness doesn’t come in a one-size-fits-all package, and neither should your treatment plan. Different illnesses and different people need unique levels of treatment. At Transformations Treatment Center, we provide numerous levels of treatment designed to assist people with various mental illnesses. Options include:

  • Inpatient care: Sometimes, individuals can benefit from temporarily living in our facility. Inpatient care allows our clients to stay with us for a set duration, during which they undergo intensive therapy, group therapy, medication management, and more. Each individual’s recovery plan is different and will be determined by our medical team.
  • Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)Partial Hospitalization Programs bridge the gap between inpatient and outpatient treatment. This treatment is still deeply intense and supervised, with clients regularly spending hours each day at our facility. During this time, they undergo similar therapies to what they experienced during their inpatient stay. The therapy may also change to ensure that individuals are still managing their transition back into the “real world,” emphasizing the fact that people can return to their regular activities. PHP allows clients to return home, where they can live independently or with their loved ones.
  • Intensive Outpatient Therapy (IOP): This modality is another step that allows clients to fully transition back to their full-time careers in work or school. However, it still provides clients with a structure that includes regular therapeutic appointments, group therapy, and more. The schedule for IOP is highly flexible and can be managed in the afternoons or evenings. These programs also offer additional resources and support for outpatient transitions. Additionally, our IOP program may be implemented via telehealth. Computers aren’t required for this treatment, and in most cases, smartphones will work.
  • Outpatient Care: Outpatient care is no different than seeing a doctor regularly. During this time, individuals can access therapists and other needed medical professionals. This level of care is usually a relatively minor facet of our clients’ schedules. It is used for individuals who need regular “maintenance” therapy and are fully able to concentrate on other areas of their lives.
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)This cutting-edge therapy deploys machinery and technology to allow individuals to reaccess and reprocess traumatic experiences. It is beneficial for individuals who have suffered from abuse, PTSD, or other traumatic experiences. There are also real applications for the general population, as it can help people who may not even realize that they are experiencing the aftermath of a traumatic experience.
  • Neurotherapy: This therapy, sometimes referred to as neurofeedback, begins with creating a customized brain map using technology. This image allows clients to discover the thoughts and cognitive patterns that can cause pain, trauma, and psychological instability. Armed with this information, therapists and clients work together to manage these issues and reduce the physiological sensations that can exacerbate psychological trauma. Clients learn to manage these issues and alter their thoughts and emotions.
  • Adventure therapy – Evolv Wellness Program: One of the key facets of our therapy is encouraging clients to take advantage of natural cures. Research has shown that time spent outdoors, as well as physical activity, can improve mental health and reduce psychological distress.[2] Our adventure therapy program combines the therapeutic process with outdoor exercise, allowing individuals to spend time hiking, rafting, paddle boarding, and more. The combination of therapy, exercise, and time in nature has proven to help many of our clients, and this highly unique modality is offered as part of our services.

Some individuals may also benefit from wrap-around services that extend beyond the scope of traditional care. As such, we offer additional therapeutic modalities.

One key area is family outreach and support. In some cases, family members are also psychologically affected by the mental illness of their loved ones. In other cases, individuals may realize that their family is exacerbating their symptoms. To address these issues, we offer family outreach, support, and community groups. These services can help support family members while their loved ones undergo therapy. They also provide an invaluable opportunity for family members to engage in peer-to-peer services. The skills taught in these family outreach programs can be critical to giving mentally ill individuals the family support they need.

We also know that treatment cannot conclude when someone walks out our door. That’s why we offer a variety of alumni support. This includes Alumni 101 (which all discharged clients must attend), post-discharge housing, weekly meetings, social activities, and more. These activities ensure that our alumni can check in with valued staff and peers and discuss their struggles with like-minded individuals. This form of peer therapy ensures that our clients know they are still valued and supported, even after their “formal” treatment ends.

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Start Your Recovery Today

Recovering from a mental illness can be challenging, but it is a battle that tens of millions have won. By verifying your insurance (done via our website or by calling 1-888-995-6013), you can begin this process and start your recovery journey. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you recover and lead the life you deserve.


[1]: https://mhanational.org/mentalhealthfacts

[2]: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/our-work/research/nature-how-connecting-nature-benefits-our-mental-health