If you or someone you love is looking for a rehab that accepts ComPsych mental health insurance, contact us today at 888-995-6013 to have our team run a confidential, no-cost verification of your benefits, or by CLICKING HERE to complete our insurance form.

Transformations Mending Fences works with ComPsych, a provider of mental health services and employee assistance programs. Together, we help those feeling overwhelmed with life get some much-needed support.

Seeking mental health care is the first step to wellness. However, determining whether a rehab center accepts a particular health insurance policy can be a stressful experience. Not knowing how much mental health services cost and whether an insurer will foot the bill might delay potentially life-changing treatment.

Here at Transformations Mending Fences, verifying an insurance policy for you or a loved one has never been easier. Simply enter your details on our website or call our friendly team at 888-995-6013. We can provide information about insurance benefits, how much treatment costs, and how we work with ComPsych to deliver exceptional mental health care.

young woman speaking to counselor about her compsych mental health rehab coverage

Mental Health Treatment at Transformations Mending Fences

Transformations Mending Fences is a mental health treatment center in Morriston, Florida, that provides a comprehensive range of services, including:

  • Residential/inpatient rehab for mental health
  • A partial hospitalization program
  • Specialized programs for veterans and first responders
  • Music therapy
  • Equine-assisted therapy

We recognize the complexities of mental health issues and believe everyone who walks through our doors should have access to a personalized treatment plan. Our approach to mental health includes support for co-occurring conditions, behavioral health therapies, and stress management techniques.

By working with ComPsych and other mental health service providers, we offer high-quality care to those who want to overcome their past traumas, deal with current challenges, and live more successful lives.

Verifying insurance details before entering rehab is essential. Our team can tell you more about what an insurance policy covers and how much treatment costs. Just call our team at 888-995-6013 or check your coverage online.

Our Mental Health Treatment Programs in Morriston, FL

In addition to working with ComPsych, Transformations Mending Fences has a broad range of programs that we customize to our clients’ needs. Some of the mental health conditions we specialize in include:

The following services help people manage and overcome these conditions:

Residential/Inpatient Rehab for Mental Health

Our inpatient rehab center caters to those dealing with various mental health issues and co-occurring disorders. We provide expert support and care through traditional and experiential therapies, including:

  • Accelerated resolution therapy
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Recreational therapy
  • Stress management techniques

Everyone at our inpatient rehab center gets their own private room in a fully furnished apartment with a full-size kitchen. Our staff takes individuals to the grocery store for their shopping.

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Partial Hospitalization Program

The partial hospitalization program (PHP) at Transformations Mending Fences suits people who have previously experienced inpatient care or need more support than outpatient services can offer. The program includes daily structured therapy sessions and provides access to a community of peers, allowing clients to deal with mental health issues in a safe and supportive environment.

Each individual in our PHP learns techniques to cope with difficult situations and achieve long-lasting recovery. We help clients transition into everyday life as they continue their mental health journeys.

Specialized Programs for Veterans and First Responders

Veterans and first responders encounter unique challenges that might trigger anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other mental health conditions. We offer various rehab services for these individuals, including coping strategies and proven therapies that deal with longstanding issues. These treatments can improve the quality of life and relationships with loved ones.

Family Therapy

Many of our clients value the support of their families when seeking mental health treatment. Our family therapy sessions allow loved ones to discuss their problems, improve communication, strengthen bonds, and mend relationships in a safe space free from judgment.

Music Therapy

Our evidence-based music therapy program helps individuals express creativity and discover their emotions through songwriting, instrument playing, and guided music listening.

Equine-Assisted Therapy

Equine-assisted therapy is a new approach to mental health care that utilizes horses to improve healing outcomes. Through guided interactions with these animals, those with mental health conditions can improve communication, emotional regulation, empathy, and trust. Research shows that equine-assisted therapy can be a useful supplement to mental health treatment.

Dual-Diagnosis Treatment

Many people with mental health issues also struggle with substance use and misuse, which can impact their professional and personal lives. Transformations Mending Fences offers dual-diagnosis treatment for co-occurring disorders, helping people avoid relapse and embark on a road to recovery.

family therapy session covered by compsych mental health rehab insurance

Verifying Your Insurance for Mental Health Rehab

Starting a new mental health journey is an important milestone. However, figuring out whether insurance will cover specific treatments can be stressful. Understanding your or your loved one’s benefits can avoid unnecessary expenses and speed up access to care.

There are various ways to verify your insurance details for mental health care at our rehab center. However, the easiest thing to do is to contact our team. We’ll ask you a few details about your or your loved one’s policy and tell you about covered services, benefits, copays, additional fees, and other valuable information. That way, you know how much mental health treatments will cost.

You can contact our admissions team by calling 888-995-6013 or checking insurance online.

Why Choose Transformations Mending Fences for Mental Health Rehab?

Transformations Mending Fences provides multiple benefits for those seeking high-quality mental health treatment, such as:

Expert Care and Accreditation

Our team of accredited and licensed clinicians specializes in disorders across the mental health spectrum and provides effective and compassionate care that meets national standards. They reflect our center’s commitment to delivering the highest quality treatment and helping people overcome various struggles.

Personalized Treatment

All clients who walk through our doors are different. So, we offer custom treatments based on their needs, goals, and life experiences. After a comprehensive evaluation, individuals at our rehab center can access therapy, counseling, support services, job assistance, and other personalized services.

Community Support

Our inclusive community atmosphere and nurturing environment could result in more successful recovery outcomes. After treatment, we follow up with all our clients until they ask us not to and provide an ongoing support network that helps them adapt to real-world challenges.

Other benefits of choosing Transformations Mending Fences include:

  • Modern Treatment Center: Located on 400+ acres of land, our comfortable and contemporary rehab environment includes a swimming pool, firepit, horse stables, music studio, yoga room, 24 residential beds, and 21 partial hospitalization beds.
  • Mental Health Partnerships: We work with different mental health service providers, including ComPsych. These partnerships allow us to offer various care options for different conditions.
  • Insurance Acceptance: Transformations Mending Fences accepts insurance from most major providers, including Allied Trades, BlueCross BlueShield, and Cigna.

Our Admissions Process

Going to rehab for a mental health condition doesn’t have to be scary. Our streamlined admissions process lets you or your loved one know what to expect from our team at different stages of treatment.

When you call us, an admissions coordinator will learn more about your situation and ask some basic questions. That will help us determine the type of treatment you or the person you care about requires. If you haven’t already inquired about health insurance, the coordinator will run your details through our systems and explain how much treatment will cost.

We’ll need to complete a phone assessment with the client seeking mental health treatment (you or your loved one). This part of the process lets us know whether someone is a good fit for our rehab center. If not, we’ll recommend another facility that better suits their needs.

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Start Mental Health Treatment Today

Transformations Mending Fences works with ComPsych to deliver the highest quality mental health care. Our northern Florida rehab center caters to those who want to deal with past experiences, overcome complex challenges, and enhance their lives.

Knowing whether we accept a particular insurance policy for mental health treatment is now easier than ever. Contact our team to learn about benefits, treatment costs, and whether an insurer will cover a specific service. You can verify insurance details here or speak to a team member at 888-995-6013.