If you or someone you love is looking for a rehab that accepts Lucet Behavioral mental health insurance, contact us today at 888-995-6013 to have our team run a confidential, no-cost verification of your benefits, or by CLICKING HERE to complete our insurance form.

Finding an affordable mental health rehab facility isn’t easy for many people. In many cases, insurance only makes the task more confusing. After all, you want to make sure you choose a facility covered by your insurance plan.

Transformations Mending Fences makes it simple for you to verify your insurance coverage. Just call our staff at 888-995-6013 or complete our online insurance verification form. Even if your insurance doesn’t cover the total cost of your mental health services, we might learn that it pays for a percentage of the treatment you need.

a group therapy session covered by Lucet Behavioral mental health rehab insurance

Lucet Behavioral Mental Health Rehab and TMF

Lucet isn’t a health insurance company, but it does provide services that can help treatment centers keep their prices as low as possible while achieving excellent patient outcomes.

As a member of Lucet’s network, TMF benefits from support services that:

  • Screen potential clients to ensure they can receive the right treatments at TMF
  • Recommend treatment plan options for complex cases
  • Get clients into the facility as soon as possible
  • Collect and analyze data to find innovative ways to save money

Transformations Mending Fences relies on Lucet Behavioral mental health rehab services to continuously improve our offerings. 

Verify your insurance coverage today by calling 888-995-6013 or filling out our online insurance verification form.

Mental Health Disorders Treated at TMF

TMF partners with Lucet Behavioral to treat diverse mental health conditions, including:

Call our office at 888-995-6013 or complete our online insurance verification form to make sure your insurance plan covers a treatment option that meets your needs.

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Treatment Options at TMF

Access to a broad range of treatment options could increase your chances of recovery. At Transformations Mending Fences, we’ve chosen

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy sessions at TMF can include several modalities, including:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy
  • Psychotherapy (talk therapy)

Often, clients get the best results from treatment plans that include more than one approach. You might pair individual therapy with options like:

  • Family therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Equine therapy

You can also take workshops on topics like:

  • Anxiety and depression management
  • Conflict resolution
  • Managing guilt and shame
  • Exploring trauma associated with loss and grief
  • Building emotional resilience

Adventure Therapy

Get out into the world and try something new! Transformations Mending Fences has seen adventure therapy’s positive effects on clients. Our adventure therapy program includes options like:

  • Paddleboarding
  • Kayaking
  • Rock climbing
  • Snorkeling

We also offer on-site meditation and yoga classes that build your strength while calming your mind.

people participating in adventure therapy covered by lucet behavioral mental health rehab insurance


Neurotherapy is a kind of neurofeedback that teaches clients how to take control of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The treatment also helps promote neuroplasticity, making it easier for clients to integrate insights into their daily lives.

Group Therapy

Sometimes, you need to hear from someone who has experienced the challenges of living with a mental illness. Therapists can obviously offer great insights and prescribe effective treatment plans that lead to long-term health. But people also benefit from supportive communities with shared histories.

In group therapy, you can share your story, learn from others, and discover coping strategies you might not have considered.

Family Therapy

Mental health conditions can disrupt entire families. That’s why it’s often important to make family members a part of the healing process. Some goals of family therapy include:

  • Educating family members about mental illness
  • Nurturing safe environments where everyone can express themselves
  • Improving communication skills so families can grow with each other instead of growing apart
  • Setting boundaries to help maintain healthy relationships
  • Healing trauma that might have occurred between family members

Medication Management

Pharmaceutical treatments play an essential role in many mental health recovery plans. You’ll work with a trained professional to explore medication options and find the dose that works well for you.

Some medications are only intended for short-term use while you learn to cope with underlying issues. Others can provide lifelong support by preventing disruptive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Legal and Career Services

Mental illness can cause significant damage to someone’s life and relationships. You or a loved one might come to Transformations Mending Fences with lingering legal and financial issues.

Our experts provide ongoing services to help you navigate complex legal issues. They can also help you find a new job or career path by identifying opportunities, honing your resume, and preparing you for interviews.

Maintaining a stable life outside of recovery is one of the most important ways to stay healthy, so we teach skills that will benefit you in the real world.

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Recover in Comfort

TMF and Lucet Behavioral mental health rehab believe you can recover in comfort. Our facility includes:

  • Private rooms
  • Fully furnished apartments with full-sized kitchens
  • A swimming pool
  • An in-house gym

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

Our partial hospitalization program provides a bridge between living in a medical facility and transitioning back to your normal life. Clients who enter PHP can receive services Monday through Sunday from 9 AM to 4:10 PM. Use the rest of your time to form friendships, build healthy habits, and reflect on your day.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

If you or your loved one have family or professional obligations, you might need to live at home while receiving intensive outpatient services. Our IOP program has two groups, and each one lasts six weeks. One group meetings on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 5:30 PM to 8:50 PM. The other group meetings on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 9 AM to 12:20 PM.

Don’t wait to find out whether your insurance covers treatment options at Transformations Mending Fences. We’ll verify your insurance coverage for you. Call us at 888-995-6013 or fill out our insurance verification form. In many cases, it only takes about 30 minutes to verify your insurance.

Specialty Programs at TMF

Specialty programs have unique qualities that often use non-traditional approaches to mental health recovery. Some of our programs also focus on certain types of people, such as veterans and first responders.

Help for Our Heroes

Veterans and first responders have jobs that expose them to trauma frequently. Nearly 30% of soldiers who saw combat during recent conflicts like Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). First responders, including police officers, firefighters, and EMTs, can also witness a lot of on-the-job trauma.

The Help for Our Heroes program is designed to meet the unique needs of these heroic groups. Issues commonly addressed in this specialty program include:

  • Depression
  • PTSD
  • Phobias
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Dual diagnosis

If you’ve served your country or your local community, you deserve the best mental health treatment to get you back to a life without overwhelming anxiety or depression.

SoundPath Recovery

SoundPath Recovery is a unique music therapy program where clients get to immerse themselves in the benefits of creating music. Our in-house studio includes several types of instruments, including guitars and drums, recording equipment, and a performance stage.

Many clients who participate in SoundPath Recovery benefit from:

  • Expressing their emotions in positive, creative ways
  • Building social skills as they work with each other to write, record, and perform songs
  • Cognitive stimulation that promotes decision-making and analytical skills
  • Greater self-esteem earned from making a unique song that’s genuinely theirs

It doesn’t matter how much musical experience you have. There’s a place for your creative forces in the SoundPath Recovery program.

equine therapy at Transformations Mending Fences covered by lucet behavioral mental health insurance

Equine Therapy

Equine therapy is an experiential mental health treatment that helps clients learn important life skills. TMF uses two types of equine therapy:

  • Equine-assisted therapy (EAT)
  • Equine-assisted learning (EAL)

EAT involves taking care of our on-campus horses. Clients will groom, brush, and feed horses to experience a greater sense of peace and mindfulness. EAT often helps people living with conditions like PTSD, anxiety, and depression. As you build a bond with the horses, you might start to express or process emotions in non-verbal ways. 

EAL uses structured exercises so you can learn important life skills while working with a horse. It’s often used with people who want to feel less stressed or irritable. After completing the EAL program, you will likely feel more confident, resilient, and adaptable.

Verify Your Insurance Coverage With TMF

We want you to get the mental health services you need for lifelong recovery. And we want to make sure you don’t receive any surprise invoices after you leave TMF’s facility.

That’s why we’ve partnered with Lucet Behavioral to offer treatment options for a broad range of mental health disorders.

Find out whether your insurance plan covers the services you need by calling 888-995-6013 or filling out the insurance verification form on our website.