Cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of psychological treatment guided by a licensed mental health professional to treat certain mental health conditions. Individuals with various emotional challenges and health conditions such as chronic pain have developed healthy coping skills by participating in cognitive behavioral therapy. Transformations Mending Fences in Morriston, Florida, offers cognitive behavioral therapy and other therapies.


A woman in a cognitive behavior therapy (cbt) session at Transformations at Mending Fences in Morriston, FL, for her mental health condition to learn healthy coping mechanisms

What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) focuses on helping individuals deal with issues that cause stress. It includes forms of talk therapy that encourage people to work through their problems by becoming aware of negative thinking that gets in the way of dealing with life’s challenges. While CBT is a treatment modality for individuals struggling with depression or post-traumatic stress disorder, anyone can benefit from CBT in its various forms. People with mental health challenges may find cognitive behavioral therapy helpful in managing anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, panic disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorders and substance use disorders.

Many psychological problems arise from negative thinking and unhealthy learned behaviors, which is why cognitive behavioral therapy is helpful. Individuals coping with emotional concerns related to grief and loss, conflict and health issues can find CBT useful for emotional regulation as well. CBT techniques can also help people face their fears by utilizing exposure therapy to help them overcome phobias.

Individuals of all ages can benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy, including children, adolescents, adults and families. CBT helps people find positive ways to cope with challenges and reduce the relationship difficulties that come with the conflicts that arise from unhealthy thinking and dysfunctional behavior.

Types of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Four types of cognitive behavioral therapy that work for individuals with emotional and mental challenges are cognitive therapy, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), multimodal therapy and rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT).

Cognitive Therapy

During cognitive therapy sessions, the therapist helps a patient focus on here-and-now issues. CBT involves encouraging the patient to solve problems by changing how they think about themselves or circumstances that may contribute to anxiety, emotional stress or depression.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Individuals experiencing intense emotional distress and struggling to regulate their emotions can find help through talk therapy. Similarly, those with anxiety, binge eating, borderline personality disorder, depression, eating disorders, substance use disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder can find relief through participating in dialectical behavior therapy. Focusing on solutions and healthy coping strategies are goals of dialectical behavior therapy.

Multimodal Therapy

Multimodal therapy incorporates several approaches to helping patients work through emotional and mental health challenges. With a therapist’s help, the individual understands how their beliefs and thoughts contribute to their problems. Examining your own behavior is an essential element of multimodal therapy. Patients need to know how their opinions impact their feelings and how observable behaviors affect others. The therapist may involve psychoanalysis to help the individual connect past experiences and current behaviors and discover how anxiety, depression and other issues can originate from unconscious influences.

Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy

Self-defeating thoughts often cause emotional distress. Irrational feelings and thoughts can cause people to get stuck in negative thinking, which prevents them from moving forward. They may dwell on what they could have done better, what they can’t do or why the thing they want most never works out for them. The endless negativity and defeatist attitudes often lead to anxiety, guilt, low self-esteem and aggression.

During rational emotive behavior sessions, the mental health professional works with a patient to replace negative thoughts with positive beliefs. Helping individuals recognize events that trigger irrational thinking is a key to preventing self-destructive behaviors and attitudes and helping the patient become more accepting of themselves and others.


A happy man after completing inpatient mental health treatment at our Morriston, FL, mental health treatment center, where he participated in cognitive behavioral therapy to address his mental health issues

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques

During the initial and early therapy sessions, CBT therapists may ask questions to assess the patient’s needs and determine the best way to approach therapy. Depending on the patient’s needs, the therapist and patient will determine how many sessions may be necessary and develop a treatment plan with specific goals and objectives.

CBT can help patients learn to help themselves by recognizing and regulating thinking that prevents them from living positive and productive lives. For some people, this can be challenging. Individuals participating in cognitive behavioral therapy should expect to be a little uncomfortable at first as they discuss their feelings and engage in activities that may require them to face their fears. However, therapists who practice Cognitive Behavioral Therapy have the expertise to guide individuals through events that may feel overwhelming or traumatic and will provide a safe, nonjudgmental environment that promotes free expression.

Mental Health Conditions Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is Used to Treat

CBT aims to help individuals address the root causes of their mental health condition. CBT is used to treat various mental health conditions, including:

Getting CBT Treatment at Transformations Mending Fences

Transformations Mending Fences, at 15530 West Highway 326 in Morriston, Florida, offers cognitive behavioral therapy and mental health treatment for individuals who come to the program for help with substance use disorders or mental health concerns. Individualized treatment plans help therapists and patients focus on specific needs, whether the patient is struggling with anxiety disorders, addiction, stress management or other issues.

The therapeutic environment and services at Transformations Mending Fences make it a welcoming setting where individuals can learn the skills necessary to become mentally healthy and replace negative behavior patterns with positive thinking. While some people going through CBT treatment may not need medication, the medical staff at Transformations Mending Fences can prescribe the right pharmaceutical treatment for those who require it.

Call Transformations Mending Fences to Learn More

If you or someone you care about has emotional difficulties stemming from a mental illness or a medical condition, we have mental health counseling and other cognitive behavioral interventions that can help. Transformations Mending Fences is the leading mental health treatment facility in Morriston, FL, and our staff members are ready to assist you in overcoming thought patterns that cause psychological distress. Call us at (888) 995-6013 or visit our website today to begin your journey toward better emotional health.