If you or someone you love is looking for a rehab that accepts MultiPlan mental health insurance, contact us today at 888-995-6013 to have our team run a confidential, no-cost verification of your benefits, or by CLICKING HERE to complete our insurance form.

MultiPlan Mental Health Rehab, image representing that mental health matters

At Transformations Mending Fences, we provide compassionate, evidence-based mental health services to our clients, including those with dual diagnoses. While we do offer several specialty programs focusing on trauma and PTSD, we provide a wide range of mental health services.

Considering over 20% of Americans are living with a mental health condition, it’s crucial to know that you are not alone. Whether you or someone you love lives with a mental health condition, there is help available—and the sooner you seek treatment, the better.

NAMI reports that 50% of all lifetime mental illnesses begin by age 14, and by the age of 24, this number increases to 75%.

You or your loved one no longer need to suffer in silence. Help is available.

Many people worry about the financial cost of treatment, which is why MultiPlan mental health rehab coverage is so beneficial. As they say at MultiPlan, they are “Bending the healthcare cost curve for all.”

Want to know what services are covered by your insurance plan? Please call us at 888-995-6013 to verify.

A Closer Look at MultiPlan Mental Health Rehab Coverage

While MultiPlan is not technically an insurance provider, it works closely with healthcare provider networks to make services affordable for those who need them most.

MultiPlan aims to find opportunities to lower prices by identifying and negotiating fair reimbursements for out-of-network care while preventing improper billing. In 2023 alone, MultiPlan identified nearly $23 billion in potential medical savings. Millions of health consumers experienced lower out-of-pocket costs—or, in some cases, their balances were significantly reduced or eliminated.

When searching for providers on MultiPlan’s directory, options range from mental health inpatient and outpatient providers to psychiatric providers.

Transformations Mending Fences most insurance plans, including:

We understand that navigating and understanding the insurance process can be challenging and overwhelming. At Transformations Mending Fences, we help you discover what your current insurance plan covers so that you can move forward with treatment. This process typically takes 30-45 minutes.

For some, this initial phone call is what changes their lives.

Living with a mental health disorder can feel lonely, but you’re not alone. Seeking the treatment you need to build a rewarding, fulfilling future may be the best thing you ever do, and we’ll help you every step—you just need to call.

We encourage you to call us at 888-995-6013 or fill out our insurance verification form to begin the insurance verification and admissions process.

Understanding How Mental Health Insurance Coverage Works

A common concern among our clients is whether their insurance covers mental health treatment.

While there is no black-and-white answer here, as everyone has different plans and requirements, many providers do now cover mental health conditions. Since the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act was passed in 2008, mental health coverage must be comparable to physical services.

For example, a provider cannot charge a $15 copay for a medical office visit but a $30 copay when seeing a mental health professional.

So, while the above-mentioned law does not require providers to cover mental health services, there are regulations when these services are offered. Mental health services cannot be more restrictive than those applied to physical health services.

The only way to confirm if your plan covers mental health treatment is to verify your coverage. At Transformations Mending Fences, we offer a simple process to do so.

Fill out our insurance verification form to better understand your coverage. You can also call us at 888-995-6013.

ttcmendingfences insurance CTA

More on MultiPlan for Mental Health Treatment

Again, MultiPlan is not an insurance provider. Instead, it is a vast network that includes providers of various health services, including mental health support.

So, MultiPlan mental health rehab coverage is based on what insurance companies provide. This company will set up plans with network providers based on your unique needs.

As they say at MultiPlan, “We help make healthcare transparent, fair, and affordable for all.”

These providers often cover all the treatment options offered at Transformations Mending Fences. There can be limitations, especially when comparing the therapies offered for inpatient vs. outpatient programs. However, we will work closely with you and your family to ensure you get the support you need.

Understanding Your Insurance Coverage

Deciphering your MultiPlan mental health rehab coverage can be daunting, especially if you don’t know how to interpret industry jargon.

For example, are you confused by your insurance plan’s current limitations? Are you wondering what specialty services are covered?

Don’t allow this slight barrier to get between you and the mental health support you need to heal. At Transformations Mending Fences, we help people like you every day. Our team is here to support you on your journey, including the first initial step—insurance verification.

If you are unaware of what your plan covers or require clarification, we welcome you to call us. We can verify your coverage in as little as 30 minutes. With that information, you can then move forward.

For this reason, we partner with many companies and providers, including MultiPlan. We aim to offer you the flexibility and access to care you require. If you need to pay out-of-pocket expenses, we will help you understand what that means so you can make a more informed decision.

Please call us today at 888-995-6013. We will help you understand what’s covered and the next steps.

Why Transformations Mending Fences?

Located in Morrison, Florida, Transformations Mending Fences recognizes each client’s unique needs. Some of our clients have experienced deep trauma, requiring a different approach to those living with schizophrenia.

Based on this understanding, we have developed several focused programs, including those developed for veterans and first responders.

Since there is no one-size-fits-all approach to mental health treatment, we offer comprehensive, individualized treatment plans that include the necessary therapy, support, and education for each client.

Here are some of the mental health conditions we treat:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • PTSD
  • Personality disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Dual diagnosis

What Is Residential or Inpatient Treatment?

An inpatient program is often the most comprehensive option, as clients stay at the treatment center. While the level of care is intensive, the environment is nothing like a hospital—it’s like a home.

You will receive 14 hours of clinical services and two hours of individual therapy weekly. Family therapy is also available for those who need it. Following a complete mental health assessment, your plan will be tailored to your needs. If you receive a dual diagnosis, your treatment plan will focus on the complexities of treating more than one condition.

Clinical support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, which often comforts family members—especially during the early stages of treatment.

When you enroll in inpatient treatment, you can access the following treatment options and therapies:

Please note: Partial hospitalization programs are also available.

Emotional woman discussing her mental health issues with therapist

We Are Here for You, Call Us Today

We are pleased that most insurance plans cover mental health services, allowing our clients to get the mental health support they need and deserve. However, in cases where not all of the treatment process is covered, we believe in making treatment accessible and affordable. Do not get discouraged if you are told your treatment is not covered. We can help you discover possible alternative paths toward comprehensive mental health treatment.

Please know that we charge nothing to check insurance verification. You can call to develop a plan for yourself or a loved one. Knowing where you stand concerning the financial side of treatment is sometimes enough to completely transform someone’s life.

You no longer need to suffer in silence, especially if you’re not getting treatment because of financial concerns. Many of our clients are surprised that their plans cover mental health treatment, and even when out-of-pocket expenses are required, we try to remove as many barriers as possible.

So, in addition to accepting insurance, we also offer flexible payment plans and other options to ensure a solution that fits your budget.

We will also happily answer any questions about the treatment process, the living arrangements, or anything else that concerns you.

If you’re ready to begin your journey, our team is waiting to hear from you. Please call us at 888-995-6013 today!


  1. About Mental Health, CDC
  2. Mental Health By the Numbers, NAMI