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Comprehensive Approaches to Eating Disorders

Tragically, few things have risen more nationwide — particularly among young girls — than challenges with body image and a fixation on appearance. These issues have manifested in various ways, including a major spike in eating disorders. While the increase in eating disorders is massive and highly problematic, there is good news: Eating disorders are eminently…

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Treatment Modalities for Individuals With a Dual Diagnosis

When someone suffers from a mental illness or substance use disorder, it can result in a much more difficult life. Individuals may need to utilize time-consuming therapy to recover and live happily. Fortunately, these treatment options are available. Unfortunately, some issues can make recovering and finding treatment more difficult. One such example? Suffering from a…

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The Unique Mental Health Burden Faced by LGBTQ+ Individuals

There is no question about it: some members of the population suffer from higher rates of mental illness than others. Tragically, this includes members of the LGBTQ+ community. Numerous studies have found that members of this population are far more likely to suffer from a slew of mental illnesses and addiction problems than the rest of the…

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Ptsd and Fireworks

PTSD and Fireworks: What To Know and How To Limit the Impact

Some say that fireworks are as American as apple pie, particularly during the 4th of July, when celebrations around the country often culminate with a large fireworks display. For most people, these fireworks are the culmination of a joyful day and add to the happiness of the holiday. Unfortunately, for others, these fireworks can represent…

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Military Sexual Trauma Treatment in Morriston, Florida

Unfortunately, military sexual trauma (MST) remains a major challenge in the armed forces. According to statistics, tens of thousands of military members were victims of some form of military sexual harassment or assault. These alarmingly high numbers show how prominent this issue is, with most current service members likely knowing someone who has experienced this trauma….

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The Impact of Equine-Assisted Therapy

It’s never easy sharing your story, but when you do, whether you know it or not, you’re helping so many other people. Mending Fences alumnus, Adam Mercer, an Army combat veteran, agreed to tell his story on television with the hope of helping others who are struggling with their mental health, reminding them that there…

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What To Expect at a Substance Abuse Evaluation

What To Expect at a Substance Abuse Evaluation

A substance abuse evaluation is one of the first steps to recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. If you have an appointment set for a substance abuse evaluation, you may be feeling a little anxious not knowing what to expect. This is completely natural, but please know that you are not alone in this process….

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Seeking Recovery for Substance Abuse Heres What to Know

Seeking Recovery for Substance Abuse: Here’s What to Know

If you suspect you or a loved one may suffer from substance abuse, you may feel overwhelmed and helpless. How do you know that substance abuse has become a problem? Who do you call to help? Is substance abuse recovery possible? Rest assured that you are not alone! Substance abuse affects people of all ages…

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Why Family Therapy is Important

10 Reasons Why Family Therapy is Important

Curious about why family therapy is important? Picture this scene… You’re at a family dinner having a nice meal when your brother decides to bring up politics. Within five minutes, your dad and brother are yelling at each other, your sister has left the table crying, and your mom is refilling her glass of whiskey….

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Can Childhood Trauma Lead to Codependency and PTSD

Can Childhood Trauma Lead to Codependency and PTSD

Do you suspect something terrible happened to you when you were a child and are worried about how it may affect you as an adult? Or perhaps you find yourself getting into toxic relationships where you lose yourself? Maybe you are easily startled or tend to avoid certain people, places or things altogether. If you…

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