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Redefining Normal After a Mental Health Diagnosis

A mental health diagnosis can change a person’s life. Fortunately, it’s possible to get back to normal. And when it isn’t, it’s possible to redefine “normal.”

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How Much Stress Is Too Much: Knowing When to Seek Help

You’ve likely dealt with a few stressful situations today even before stumbling upon this article. If that’s the case, you’re not alone. Around 60% of Americans say they become stressed or worried on a daily basis. Experiencing stressors is a normal part of living, but at what point do these feelings make up too much stress?

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VA Alcohol Program: PTSD, Drugs, and Alcohol – You’re Not Alone

Serving in the Armed Forces is one of the greatest callings an American citizen can answer. Unfortunately, statistics show our veterans continue fighting battles long after their service concludes. Alcoholism is one of the biggest problems facing the men and women who serve, and it often leads to drug abuse or worsens PTSD. This is why a VA alcohol program is available for those who need help. 

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Treatment for Veterans – A Guide to TTC VA Programs

Over the past few years, a renewed focus on healthcare treatment for veterans has improved the services available to the men and women who served our country. Unfortunately, this progress has still left many vets behind. Members of the armed forces face unique stressors, and this often creates problems that last long beyond their discharge. 

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Substance Use Treatment for Veterans

It takes a special person to answer the call to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces. Unfortunately, this career often thrusts members of the military into difficult situations they may have trouble coping with. This has created an increasing need for substance use treatment for veterans. There’s a crisis occurring with the men and women of our military, and it’s vital that we address it.

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Veterans Addiction Help – Substance Abuse Help & Treatment

The men and women of the Armed Forces serve our country valiantly. Unfortunately, they’re often left to fight their own battles once they return home. We too often see heightened rates of drug abuse, alcoholism, mental health disorders and suicide among vets. Transformations Mending Fences is here to let former service members know they’re not in this battle alone.

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Helping a Navy Service Member Cope with Addiction

Serving in any branch of the military creates unique stressors that members of the general public rarely experience. Even comparatively to the rest of the military, though, members of the Navy face extreme difficulties. Repeat ship deployments can take away a sailor’s social support system — even when they’re stationed with their family. This partially explains rates of addiction in the Navy.

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Drug and Alcohol Abuse in the Navy

While the U.S. Navy isn’t the largest branch of the Armed Forces, it still plays a significant role in the fight to stop substance abuse and alcoholism in the military. It was the first branch to institute a zero-tolerance policy on illicit drug use. Unfortunately, this did not effectively end drug and alcohol abuse in the Navy. And for veterans, the problem is even bigger.

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Drug and Alcohol Abuse in the Marines

The Marine Corps is one of the smallest branches of the military, but it’s also one of the most highly trained. Its units take on missions that would typically only fall to the most specialized units of other branches, and unfortunately, this has led to high rates of drug and alcohol abuse in the Marines. Even worse, these behaviors are often viewed as acceptable within the ranks.

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Best Treatment Programs for Substance Use Problems for VA

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is tasked with providing vital services to military service members once they leave active duty — including those related to healthcare. Unfortunately, many vets end up needing treatment programs for substance abuse issues. While using drugs isn’t common within ranks, addiction rates skyrocket after they leave the service.

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