resources The Twelve Days of Recovery

The Twelve Days of Recovery: Sober Holiday Activities for a Happy Holiday Season

The holiday season is a joyous, cheerful time for many. Not for everyone, though. In truth, for many on the path to recovery, the holidays can be a dark, depressing, and, oftentimes, regressive time of the year. From something as big as full-on seasonal affective disorder to something as small as a simple case of the winter blues, it’s true that anyone — regardless of where they’re at on their journey to recovery — can feel this seasonal sadness in full force.

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resources sober thanksgiving

The Inside Scoop on How to Celebrate Thanksgiving Sober

Although Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of the year for many, it can be incredibly stressful for others. From overwhelming travel plans to estranged family relations, alcohol can be a short-lived source of comfort for some, even if there are consequences of drinking too much. Regardless of your situation, if your goal is to remain sober, you will need to approach Thanksgiving with a new mindset.

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What Events Cause PTSD?

What Events Cause PTSD?

Many people don’t realize the origins of PTSD, which is post-traumatic stress disorder. Because of television shows, movies, and the media, many of us only relate it to those who served in combat…

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10 Facts About Depression

10 Facts About Depression That Everyone Should Know

Whether it’s you or someone you love, we all know someone with depression. According to the World Health Organization, depression affects approximately 300 million people in the world to have it. The problem is that there is a stigma attached to depression.

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Trauma and PTSD

How Our Center Treats Trauma and PTSD

Most people will experience a traumatic event within their lifetimes. The psychological effects can range from minor to severe, but coping with trauma and PTSD is always a difficult endeavor…

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Trauma and Mental Health

Trauma and Mental Health: Facts, Symptoms and More

Humans are resilient creatures that can deal with almost anything. When direct experience teaches someone the true definition of trauma, though, the strength of that resiliency can come into question…

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Most Common Types of Depression

Most Common Types of Depression

Some people think about depression as an umbrella term covering all types. Or sometimes, they do not realize there are different depression categories. Some simply divide it into two categories — the sadness we all feel sometimes or clinical depression…

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Phases of Trauma Recovery

The Many Phases of Trauma Recovery

There’s no doubt that the human mind is resilient, but this doesn’t mean it’s invulnerable. Distressing events can have significant psychological effects, and frequently, a person must go through the phases of trauma recovery in order to regain normalcy…

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PTSD and Types of Trauma

PTSD and the Types of Trauma

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects many people. What we once thought reserved for those in combat, we now know as something anyone can experience. PTSD differs from acute stress disorder. Instead of short-term issues, those with PTSD have symptoms that affect their daily lives on a long-term basis…

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LGBTQ Anxiety and Depression: Understanding and Overcoming

Statistics show that those within the LGBTQ community experience anxiety and mood disorders at higher rates than the general population. A variety of issues and underlying problems lead to this disproportionate statistic. For anyone experiencing these mental health issues, though, pinpointing a solution is often more desirable than understanding the root cause…

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